Get in touch
What are your certifications?
I am a certified Feldenkrais Practitioner with the International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF), licensed to teach Awareness Through Movement (ATM) classes and perform Functional Integration (FI) sessions.
I also completed the 2 year Integrated organization and Profound Strength (IOPS) program with Jeff Haler, and Solvents & Glue 1 with Jeremey Krauss, of JKA.
I am a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) With Somatic Experiencing International (SEI). Currently training to become an assistant.
I completed the Somatic Educator for Women training in 2021 and 2022.
I am a certified Mother Circle Facilitator, with Kimberly Ann Johnson.
Can you help heal broken bones?
I am not a medical doctor. I don’t heal bones nor do I work with individuals who have broken or fractured bones, or are fresh out of surgery. You can come see me after your body has had time to heal on its own.
Do you give diagnoses?
I am not a psychotherapist. I do not pathologize. I do not diagnose.
How many sessions of somatic work and/or Awareness classes before I feel different?
While that is a very individual matter and does change from one person to another. I recommend you allow yourself a minimum of 4 somatic sessions/awareness classes before you decide whether or not you can detect changes. That said, 4 is really the minimum, the average is more like 8. And as with most things, consistency is key.
Have you taught anywhere I know?
In Cairo, I taught in-person classes at Tawazon, Nas, Osana, Sakina, Feryal, Dansabeel, Dawar.
Online, I taught Feldenkrais on Rooted (with Karine Bell), and the Feldenkrais Summits of 2020, 2021 and 2022.
I also taught on Embodiment بالعربي in 2021. And was a guest speaker in 2022. I assisted on “Sacred Rage” and “Madonna Whore” with Maya Luna and Maanee Chrystal.
I assisted on the Somatic Educator for Women Training in 2022.
Do you work in-person or online?
Both. Since Covid I learnt that online work is just as powerful and certainly better than no work at all. That said, in-person sessions and classes usually offer a very significant flavour not available online, especially with touch work.
What should I avoid when I choose to attend your classes/workshops/sessions?
Heavy medications. Drugs. Alcohol.
Do you teach in English or Arabic?
I teach in both languages, but not at the same time. So always check with me first in group work about the language being used. In individual work that is not an issue as I can easily accommodate language requests.
What do I wear to class/session?
Avoid anything that constricts movement and breathing. It is also preferable if the material of your clothes is not too slippery or too rigid.
Can I attend a class/workshop/session while continuing other therapies?
Unless there is direct contradiction between them, there is no reason to pause one modality for another. I often advise clients, however, not to overwhelm their systems, and allow their bodies some time and space to experience the effect of one modality, before introducing and confusing oneself with another.
Are there payment plans?
Yes. There are a number of payment plans. Kindly, email or whatsapp for details.