“Be Here Now” Book Club

In December 2020, following a strong impulse to expand the manner in which I share and receive knowledge with my friends, family and clients, I started the Be Here Now book club.

In 2021 we read Byron Katie’s ground-breaking book on shadow work, Loving What Is In 2022 we devoured Kimberly Ann Johnson’s much acclaimed Call of the Wild

In 2023 we have been digging into the roots of our vitality with Esther Perel’s Mating in

The coming suggestions for 2024 promise to be heart, body and soul magnets.

Al our reads are rooted in neuroscience and plasticity, that is, our human ability to learn, change and grow.

The Be Here Now Book club (bhn) has developed into a truly inspiring collective.

Here we allow and practice slow processing and digestion of material. Prioritize the bodily experiences of our members, in the NOW.

We meet ourselves exactly as we are. (And learn to be ok with who we meet.)

The bhn collective is not for you if you are looking for advice, hand-holding, diagnoses, or quick fixes.

It is for you if you long to open up, get to know yourself, experience yourself in new ways, and meet others along that path, as well. People interested in self responsibility and respect.

The format for Be Here Now is catered to our busy lives.

You don’t need to buy the book or prepare anything ahead of time. Nor do you need to worry about not being able to commit.

We meet once every 3 weeks.

We read and practice together online, all you need is a screen and internet.

This also means you can join us from any part of the city, the country, the region or the world.

For the time being all reading material is in English.

And the doors will be open for male participants again in 2024.

BHN is a community built on respect and kindness to oneself and to others.


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