Client Success Stories

Client Spotlight – Hala
When Hala started attending weekly ATM (awareness through movement) lessons with me, she complained that she suffered from excruciating neck pain that made her movement range very limited and kept her from finding comfort in any position.
Within the first year, Hala surprised me with her vitality, and her excitement in trying new things and her ability to notice where her organization is hindering her from being more supple. She always said “ I came to you just hoping the pain would be less, and now I have a whole spine that supports and carries me. With Feldenkrais, I can age gracefully”

Client Spotlight – Soaad
Though we only worked together for a short period of time, Soaad, a woman in her 50’s who was on medication for pain relief and suffered from fatigue and joint aches, confessed to me “ I have stopped taking all the garbage pills I once depended on! I now take the stairs and am not afraid to fall!”
In both these stories, the true success goes to the women themselves. They were willing to embrace the change, they were ready to drop what was clearly not serving them. The Feldenkrais and my classes was the format that enabled them to achieve that freedom.